In advance of the release of Sidekick: the Misadventures of the New Scarlet Knight, I’m pleased to announce the release of the novel’s Official Soundtrack. If some of these songs aren’t already in your library, links are provided. The resourceful reader will find ways of assembling the entire album.
Many of these tracks were in rotation in my library while I was writing the book. Some of them struck me as appropriate for specific scenes. Some seem appropriate for characters. Some are the kinds of songs Bobby would listen to.
Prozak (Be Like Me) by Dexter Freebish from the album Tripped Into Divine.
Isn’t that every boy’s dream? “To be the guy that gets the girl and saves the world.” Bobby gets to be the guy that saves the world. Will he be the guy that gets the girl?
What to Do by OK Go from the album OK Go.
This sums it all up in one lyric. “Mediocre people do exceptional things all the time.”
Girl All the Bad Guys Want by Bowling For Soup from the album Drunk Enough to Dance.
Far too often, guys don’t realize what they have going in their favor. Bobby certainly sees himself as the singer of this song. Guess who the girl is.
Don’t Stop Me Now by McFly.
If they made Sidekick into a movie, this would be the song playing over the scene of Bobby flying out of the Base for the first time as the Scarlet Knight, zipping out over the ocean and the beach. This isn’t available in the US digitally (at least not legally) right now, but it can be tracked down through an import or as the hidden bonus track on certain UK releases of their album Motion in the Ocean. If you have to, substitute the original by Queen
Goodbye by Fastball from the album The Harsh Light of Day.
This is the kind of thing I can picture Bobby having on his iPod while wandering the halls of Harbor City High. Definitely a track he goes to when he’s in one of his depressive moods.
Friends Don’t Let Friends Dial Drunk by Plain White T’s from the album Every Second Counts.
Another song Bobby puts on repeat during his emo periods.
Aces and Eights (Won’t Let Go) by The Knack from the album Serious Fun.
Deep down at heart, though, Bobby is an optimist. “There’s nothin’ wrong that you can’t make right.”
Hangin’ on a Heartbeat by The Hooters from the album Nervous Night.
“My heart is lying here naked.” Ever been in love that desperately? I’ll bet you have.
Let’s Dance to Joy Division by The Wombats from the album A Guide to Love, Loss, and Desperation.
Has no connection to the plot; just another song Bobby likes to play while zipping over the City while on patrol.
Frankford El by The American Dream from the album The American Dream.
You’ll know where in the story this belongs. You can’t get to Heaven on the Frankford El ’cause the Frankford El goes straight to Frankford.
Beach Baby by First Class.
This is what runs through Bobby’s head when he sees Sarah coming out of the ocean.
Perfect by Fairground Attraction from the album The First of a Million Kisses.
Bobby is a romantic, after all. It’s got to be perfect.
Fine By Me by Andy Grammer from the album Andy Grammer.
Again, you will know exactly where in the story this song belongs. Bobby may have the heart of a poet, but he has the mouth of an idiot.
The Trouble with Normal by Bruce Cockburn from the album The Trouble with Normal.
…is it always gets worse.
Secret Handshake by Too Much Joy from the album Green Eggs and Crack.
Another track from Bobby’s iPod, this song perfectly sums up his philosophy and his relationship with his friends.
Special Hidden Bonus Track
Superman’s Gone Crazy by Larry Good.
I first encountered this song on the late, lamented MP3.com, and it’s not been widely released since. It was while listening to this song one day back in the summer of 2009 completely by chance that I had the idea for Sidekick. I’ve spent ages trying to track down a link for people to buy or at least hear pert of this song, but to no avail. That’s why it’s the hidden track on this soundtrack. Those of you who are more resourceful than I are encouraged to share whatever links you can find.